Catalog Search Results
Now that the dullish Henry Pulling has left his job with an agreeable pension and a firm handshake, he plans to spend more time weeding his dahlias. Then, for the first time in fifty years, he sees his aunt Augusta at his mother’s funeral. Charging into...
Dear Alice,
Each morning I am awakened by the sound of a tinkling bell. A cheerful sound, it reminds me of the bells that shopkeepers attach to their doors at Christmastime. In this case, the bell marks the opening of the hotel door. From my room, which is just off the winding staircase, I can hear it clearly. It reminds me of the bell that calls to worship the novice embarking on a new life. In a way I too am a novice, leaving, temporarily,...
9) Pitch dark
12) Baggage claim
Creando una admirable tensión entre lo cómico y lo trágico, el Premio Nobel de Literatura y Príncipe de Asturias de las Letras, Mario Vargas Llosa, libera en esta novela una historia en la que el amor se nos muestra indefinible, dueño de mil caras, como la niña mala.
Los mejores títulos de Mario Vargas Llosa en formato audiolibro.
Ricardo ve cumplido, a una edad muy temprana, el sueño que en su Lima natal alimentó
...16) East of the sun
18) Ladies coupé
19) How to be lost
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