Catalog Search Results
#1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The inspirational classic from a renowned spiritual leader that "offers a moving and humane approach to understanding life’s windstorms” (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross).
When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions: Why, God?...
When Harold Kushner’s three-year-old son was diagnosed with a degenerative disease that meant the boy would only live until his early teens, he was faced with one of life’s most difficult questions: Why, God?...
"Change your thoughts and you change your life." - Norman Vincent Peale
A Guide to Confident Living shows you how to release your inner powers to achieve confidence and contentment. Using accessible language, Dr. Peale helps you find the way to new energy that will actually revitalize your life. Here, he offers advice on how to:
• Free your inner powers
• "Talk out" your troubles
• Lose your inferiority complex
• Achieve a calm center for...
"While most of society views high-risk youth with fear or disregard, Amy Williams has come to see them through God's eyes-as having tremendous value and potential. With stories and practical tips from three decades of ministry, Amy challenges perceptions and increases compassion for these youth who are often pushed to the margins of society"--
""We are in the business of seeing others, seeing them the way God sees them, and letting them know they...
Cuando su hijo fue diagnosticado a los tres años de edad con una enfermedad degenerativa que acortaría su vida en la adolescencia, Harold Kushner se enfrentó a una de las preguntas más angustiantes en la vida: ℗Por qué, Dios? Años más tarde, el rabino Kushner escribió esta contemplación sencilla y elegante de las dudas y temores que surgen cuando una tragedia nos llama a la puerta. Kushner comparte su sabiduría como rabino, como padre,...
In ILL (Inter-Library Loan) Services
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