Epithalamium / Bill Roorbach --
Self-portrait as coriander seed / Abby E. Murray --
Day care / Mary Gordon --
What is left / Bunkong Tuon --
Riding in cars with joy / Gregory Tower --
Gary's way / Andre Dubus III --
Why write love poetry in a burning world / Katie Farris --
Naturalized / Hala Alyan --
A skillet poem / José B. González --
Winners / Merritt Tierce --
Just this / Pamela Painter --
Fairy Bells / Aaron El Sabrout --
Afterlives / Sarah Khatry --
The pause between / Ken Craft --
Good medicine / Sophie Hoss --
Map the not answer / Philip Metres --
Extractions / Mihaela Moscaliuc --
For Acedia / Robert Cording --
Portrait of the technocrat as a Stanford man / Shaan Sachdev --
Practice / Marianne Boruch --
Zamindar's watch / Nishanth Injam --
French sentence / Esther Lin --
Nineteenth Sunday in ordinary time / Austin Smith --
Each other moment / Jesica Greenbaum --
Alone with kindred / Farah Peterson --
Preparing for residential placement for my disabled daughter / Jennifer Franklin --
Growing up godless / Robert Isaacs --
Five final poems / Charles simic --
The rest is history / Peggy Shinner --
The beginning according to Mrs. God / Lily Greenberg --
Our lady of the westside / Antonio López --
Theater selfie / Gregory Pardlo --
I want to be this girl / Ea Anderson --
The revival / Brian Gyamfi --
This would not fit on a bumper sticker / Mathieu Caller --
End of wildness / Gail Griffin --
Dead animals / Becky Mandelbaum --
This close / Richard Hoffman --
What I don't tell my wife / Craig Reinbold --
Practice of cleaning / Sarah Nance --
My father remembers / Laurie Kuntz --
Ginger for everything / Han Ong --
Sorrow corner / Naeem Murr --
Self portrait with friend / Donika Kelly --
Mick and Minn / Joyce Carol Oates --
The world is a stool on my head but by all means take a seat / Liz Femi --
On the children's oncology floor / Julia B. Levine --
Block party / Danny Lang-Perez --
Hungry because this world is so very full / Brad Aaron Modlin --
black person head bob / Yael Valencia Aldana --
Crows of Karachi / Rafia Zakaria --
What is crow (polyphony) / Christien Gholson --
Care warning / Brenda Miller --
Glossary of Centralia, Pennsylvania / Abby Manzella --
Virgin Mary on MTV's teen mom: Nazareth / Adia Muhammad --
Theories of care / Sophie Mackintosh --
Triptych / Betsy Fogelman Tighe --
Church of the goat man / Kathleen Driskell --
Primer / Brian Brodeur --
Name your industry- or else! / Sarah M Brownsberger --
Pill planner / Charlie Geer --
Night bird / Danusha Laméris --
If Adam picked the apple / Danielle Coffyn --
How to be a cowgirl / Ann Chinnis --
Ballistics / Leslie Jill Patterson --
Spangle / John A. Nieves --
Blackbirds / Lindsey Drager.