Visionaries, 1902-1931. Labor omnia vincit : A Trip to the Moon ; Out of the cradle endlessly rocking : Intolerance ; I must become Caligari! : The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari ; What are we waiting for? : Battleship Potemkin ; This song of the man and his wife is of no place and every place : Sunrise ; Those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned : Metropolis ; If you say what you're thinking, I'll strangle you : Steamboat Bill, Jr. ; Has God promised you things? : The Passion of Joan of Arc ; Falling in love again, never wanted to : The Blue Angel ; If I were you, I'd make a bit of a scene : People on Sunday ; Tomorrow the birds will sing : City Lights
A Golden Age in black and white, 1931-1949. Don't want to, but must! : M ; Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first : Duck Soup ; Don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen, those chains are made of chrome steel : King Kong ; War is declared! Down with monitors and punishment! : Zero de Conduite ; To a new world of gods and monsters! : The Bride of Frankenstein ; Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all? : Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ; I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore : The Wizard of Oz ; Everybody has their reasons : The Rules of the Game ; Tomorrow is another day : Gone with the Wind ; You're wonderful, in a loathsome sort of way : His Girl Friday ; It isn't enough to tell us what a man did. You've got to tell us who he was : Citizen Kane ; Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine : Casablanca ; How dare you call me a ham? : To Be or Not to Be ; It's hot in here by the stove : Ossessione ; How singularly innocent I look this morning : Laura ; A kick in the rear, if well delivered, is a sure laugh : Children of Paradise ; Children believe what we tell them : La Belle et la B©®te ; This is the universe. Big, isn't it? : A Matter of LIfe and Death ; George, remember no man is a failure who has friend`s : It's a Wonderful Life ; I mind my own business, I bother nobody, and what do I get? Trouble : The Bicycle Thief ; It is so difficult to make a neat job of killing people with whom one is not on friendly terms : Kind Hearts and Coronets ; The world doesn't make any heroes outside of your stories : The Third Man
Fear and wonder, 1950-1959. We all want to forget something, so we tell stories : Rashomon ; I am big. It's the pictures that got small : Sunset Boulevard ; I have always relied on the kindness of strangers : A Streetcar Named Desire ; It's a hard world for little things : The NIght of the Hunter ; What's the first thing an actor learns? "The show must go on!" : Singin' in the Rain ; Let's go home : Tokyo Story ; When I was a kid, I used to see men go off on these kind of jobs
and not come back : The Wages of Fear ; But if we don't use your device against Godzilla, what are we going to do? : Godzilla ; Just wait until you see your mother. She's never looked so radiant : All That Heaven Allows ; I don't think that I want to learn that way : Rebel Without a Cause ; When I"m better, we'll go and look at the trains again : Pather Panchali ; Get me to that bus stop and forget you ever saw me : Kiss Me Deadly ; That'll be the day : The Searchers ; I have long walked by your side : The Seventh Seal ; If I do what you tell me, will you love me? : Vertigo ; What did you do during the uprising? : Ashes and Diamonds ; Well, nobody's perfect : Some LIke It Hot ; Your parents say you're always lying : The 400 Blows
Rebel rebel, 1960-1974. You are the first woman on the first day of creation : La Dolce Vita ; Don't use the brakes. Cars are made to go, not to stop : © bout de souffle ; That's what all these loony laws are for, to be broken by blokes like us : Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ; I have never stayed so long anywhere : Last Year at Marienbad ; This is the story of a man marked by an image from his childhood : La jetée ; Guy, I love you. You smell of gasoline : The Umbrellas of Cherbourg ; There's gold in the sea beyond : Black God, White Devil ; Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the War Room! : Dr. Strangelove ; I can't seem to stop singing wherever I am : The Sound of Music ; It's difficult to start a revolution : The Battle of Algiers ; Who wants to be an angel? : Chelsea Girls ; Let's see the sights! : Playtime ; This here's Miss Bonnie Parker. I'm Clyde Barrow. We rob banks : Bonnie and Clyde ; I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that : 2001: A Space Odyssey ; We're gonna stick together, just like it used to be : The Wild Bunch ; They see a free individual, it's gonna scare 'em : Easy Rider ; Are you fond of meat? : Le Boucher ; Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me : The Godfather ; That man is a head taller than me. That may change : Aguirre, the Wrath of God ; The guests are here, sir : The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie ; Did you really see her? : Don't Look Now ; You can talk to him whenever you want. Just close your eyes and call him : The Spirit of the Beehive ; You know what happens to nosy fellows? : Chinatown ; And we'll buy ourselves a little piece of heaven : Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
Angels and monsters, 1975-1991. You're gonna need a bigger boat : Jaws ; There's some questions got answers and some haven't : Picnic at Hanging Rock ; Someday a real rain will come : Taxi Driver ; I lurve you, you know? I loave you. I luff you. Two 'F's : Annie Hall ; The Force is strong with this one : Star Wars ; You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? : Alien ; It's so quiet out here. It is the quietest place in the world : Stalker ; You have to have good men. Good men, all of them : Das Boot ; I've seen things you people wouldn't believe : Blade Runner ; I can't figure out if you're a detective or a pervert : Blue Velvet ; Why am I me, and why not you? : Wings of Desire ; I thought this only happened in the movies : Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown ; Being happy isn't all that great : Sex, Lies, and Videotape ; Today's temperature's gonna rise up over 100 degrees : Do the Right Thing ; She has the face of Buddha and the heart of a scorpion : Raise the Red Lantern
Small world, 1992-present. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men : Pulp Fiction ; I feel something important is happening around me. And it scares me : Three Colors: Red ; Get busy living, or get busy dying : The Shawshank Redemption ; To infinity, and beyond! : Toy Story ; It's not how you fall that matters. It's how you land : La Haine ; I'm not sure I agree with you one hundred percent on your police work there, Lou : Fargo ; We've all lost our children : The Sweet Hereafter ; I miss my father : Central Station ; Here's to the man who killed my sister : Festen ; Everyone's fear takes on a life of its own : Ringu ; A sword by itself rules nothing. It only comes alive in skilled hands : Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon ; You don't remember your name? : Spirited Away ; I like to look for things no-one else catches : Amélie ; What an extraordinary stance! : Lagaan ; It all began with the forging of the Great Rings : The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring ; You need more than guts to be a good gangster. You need ideas : City of God ; Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone : Oldboy ; You don't know me, but I know you : The Lives of Others ; You'll see that life isn't like fairy tales : Pan's Labyrinth ; This is our destiny : Slumdog Millionaire ; This box is full of stuff that almost killed me : The Hurt Locker ; If I die, what a beautiful death! : Man on Wire ; I'd like to ask you something, Father : The White Ribbon ; Everyone pays for the things they do : Once Upon a Time in Anatolia ; So, what do you like about being up here? : Gravity ; We're all just winging it : Boyhood.
A Golden Age in black and white, 1931-1949
Fear and wonder, 1950-1959
Angels and monsters, 1975-1991
Small world, 1992-present.