An overview of schizophrenia / Paula Ford-Martin, Teresa G. Odle, and Angela M. Costello --
The genetic cause of schizophrenia / Emily Singer --
The risks of schizophrenia associated with fetal development / Emily Laber-Warren --
A brain portein is implicated as a possible cause of schizophrenia / Marla Paul --
People with schizophrenia deal with stigma / Nadia Kadri and Norman Sartorius --
Schizophrenia is a medical disease / Rashmi Nemade and Mark Dombeck --
Mental illnesses are not medical diseases / Thomas Szasz --
The term "schizophrenia" should be changed / Patricia Jane Teskey --
The term "schizophrenia" should not be changed / Jeffrey A. Lieberman and Michael B. First --
Involuntary treatment laws are necessary / Bob Manhard --
Involuntary treatment laws are wrong / Aubrey Ellen Shomo --
Schizophrenia alienates a young girl from the real world / Shari Roan --
Schizophrenia stole my son / Kathy Harkey --
Growing up with a schizophrenic mother / Susan Nathiel --
My brother is schizophrenic and homeless / Glenn Grunwald.