From the Book - First US edition.
Introduction : calling all future superheroes
Mission 1 : count your carbon
Mission 2 : you've got the power
Mission 3 : fight climate change at home
Mission 4 : fight climate change with your food
Mission 5 : Fight climate change with your sink, shower, and toilet
Mission 6 : fight climate change with your (lack of) stuff
Mission 7 : fight climate change with your gadgets
Mission 8 : fight climate change with your wardrobe
Mission 9 : fight climate change in your garden
Mission 10 : fight climate change when you travel
Mission 11 : fight climate change on your vacation
Mission 12 : fight climate change at the supermarket
Mission 13 : fight climate change at school
Mission 14 : fight climate change by planting trees
Mission 15 : fight climate change with your money
Mission 16 : fight climate change with your voice
Bonus mission : fight climate change with your pen
What kind of superhero are you?
Find out more about the fight against climate change
About the author and the 2 Minute Foundation.