Monique Gray Smith
When Tilly receives an invitation to help drive eight elders on their ultimate bucket-list road trip, she impulsively says yes. Before she knows it, Tilly has said good-bye to her family and is on an adventure that will transform her in ways she could not predict, just as it will for the elders who soon dub themselves "the Crazy Eights."The Crazy Eights each choose a stop—somewhere or something they've always wanted to experience—on
...La luz del sol en la cara. El aroma de bannock caliente horneándose. Agarranr la mano de alguien querido. ¿Qué llena tu corazón de alegría? Este hermoso libro en cartoné, con ilustraciones de la artista de renombre Julie Flett, sirve como recordatorio tanto para pequeños como adultos a pensar en y apreciar los momentos de la vida que nos llenan de alegría.
La ponente internacional y premiada autora Monique Gray Smith escribió