Geoffrey Hayes
How can Benny pretend to be a brave pirate when his pesky little sister, Penny, wants to tag along and is always asking for a hug? He tries to lose her, but when he does, he starts to feel a little lost himself. Penny proves her bravery, saves Benny from a bug, and gets the hug she wants.
Geoffrey Hayes, winner of the Geisel for Benny and Penny in the Big No-No!, tells the story of two tiny mice who learn what it takes to be a leader. School Library Journal declares, "Once again, Hayes has created a graphic novel that is inviting, relatable, but, most importantly, fun."
Why won't Benny help? Penny found a dead salamander, but her brother Benny is refusing to help her bury it. Is it silly to hold a service for Little Sallie, or could this tiny salamander mean something more to the siblings? Geisel Awardwinner Geoffrey Hayes shares this gentle tale of a child's early encounter with death.
Bestselling author Geoffrey Hayes has written and illustrated over forty children's books, including the extremely popular series...
Benny and Penny hide every toy and tell Cousin Bo he cant play with them. Will the three mice find a way to play without something getting torn, ripped, or snatched away? Geoffrey Hayes, the uncontested master of children's comics, thrills us with this hilarious tale of tiny cousins who discover a game that cant ever be ruined.
Benny wants to be a brave pirate, but its hard to pretend when his pesky little sister, Penny, is always tagging along. He tries to lose her, but when he does, he starts to feel a little lost himself.
Bestselling author Geoffrey Hayes has written and illustrated over forty children's books. His TOON Book series of Benny and Penny books has garnered multiple awards. In 2009, Benny and Penny in the Big No-No! received the Theodor Seuss Geisel Award...
Benny and his sister Penny know its wrong to sneak into someone elses backyard but their mysterious new neighboror is it a monster?may be a thief. They go snooping and discover a lot about themselves anda new friend.
Bestselling childrens artist Geoffrey Hayes enchants early readers with his charming and subtle storytelling. In this lively caper, the artists small-scale mice take on large-scale issues with enormous comics mastery.