Jonathan Gilmour
"The door to the old house creaks open, the rust on the hinges groaning as you see the dust floating like spores in the air inside. By the faint light of your cheap flashlights, you see the stairs to the upper floor, its railings gnarled and broken like crooked teeth. Their curve makes the stairs seem almost like a hungry grin, and you wonder if their age will support your weight. Still, you must go in. The only question is who will go first? In Kids...
"You pull your wand from the folds of your cloak, and its glowing blue end illuminates the door in front of you--the entrance to the banned books section. You watch as the copper snakes twist and turn around the lock that keeps students like you out. But you've been left with no choice. Your barn owl hoots softly upon your shoulder as you raise your wand to the knob and whisper the unspoken words. Kids on Brooms is a collaborative role-playing game...
Odd events are happening in small towns. There are shadows in Sharon hollow, strange things are afoot at the circle Q ... Not to mention there is some double trouble at skate land! Will a bunch of boxcar boys, face a minor threat of ghosts & steel? Or will there be a culling in Cheyenne? Only you can find out! Strange adventures #1 is a non-core book of adventure hooks and story guidelines to help you find new adventures in the Rpg kids on bikes....
"The sound of the photon-powered battering ram echoes in your ship. Your Sollemnean pilot informs you that the doors have an 83.4 percent chance of breaking with the next hit. The cyborg dog to your right is checking and rechecking her enhancements. Your hand rests on the blaster at your hip as you hear the battering ram powering up again. As it hits, the sound of metal rending sends the rest of your crew to high alert. But you smile. This is going...
Even more odd events are happening in small towns. Somethings brewing in Eastwick like a Storm in the castle. Some kids are following the path while others are in uncharted territory. It might seem like there's banality next door or like there's no suck place as Koreatown. There are even students on scooters, kids in books, kids in Toon sand kids on motorcycles. Who will you ride with? Strange adventures #2 is a non-core book of adventure hooks and...