Crystal Frasier
Readers will root for these girls as they navigate the waters of self-confidence, love, and cheerleading." - Booklist (starred review) A sweet, queer teen romance perfect for fans of Heartstopper and Check, Please! Annie is a smart, antisocial lesbian starting her senior year of high school who's under pressure to join the cheerleader squad to make friends and round out her college applications. Her former friend BeBe is a people-pleaser-a trans girl...
Annie is a smart, antisocial lesbian starting her senior year of high school whos under pressure to join the cheerleading squad to make friends and round out her college applications. Her former friend Bebe is a people-pleaser, a trans girl who must keep her parents happy with her grades and social life to maintain their support of her transition. Through the rigors of squad training and amped-up social pressures (not to mention microaggressions and...
Valeros must face off against his dearest friends to protect the soul of a man he barely knows. What is the cost of victory? And how can the price of defeat be even worse? The Spire of Bones story concludes in this tale written by Pathfinder developer Crystal Frasier with art by Tom Garcia (Mercy Thompson, Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain). Contains a Starfinder backup story, a Pathfinder RPG rules appendix, and a bonus pull-out poster map!
As Valeros struggles to defend his immortal soul in the courts of the hereafter.... Valeros fights tooth and nail in the dungeons below ancient Kaer Maga?! Is twice the Valeros twice the fun? Or are the Pathfinders now in double jeopardy? The Spire of Bones story continues in this tale written by Pathfinder developer Crystal Frasier with art by Tom Garcia (Mercy Thompson, Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain). Contains an ongoing Starfinder bonus story, a...
Cocksure fighter Valeros has shuffled off his mortal coil and now finds himself adrift in the cosmos beyond the living world of Golarion! Surrounded by angels and devils hungry for his soul, and without his resourceful friends, Valeros must survive his greatest adventure by his wits alone a dire challenge indeed! The Spire of Bones story continues in this tale written by Pathfinder developer Crystal Frasier with art by Tom Garcia (Mercy Thompson,...
Trapped in a three-sided struggle between his fellow Pathfinders, an ancient wizard, and the agents of death itself, Valeros struggles to understand what his life has become and retain control of his own living body! The Spire of Bones story continues in this tale written by Pathfinder developer Crystal Frasier with art by Tom Garcia (Mercy Thompson, Pathfinder: Hollow Mountain). Contains an ongoing Starfinder bonus story, a Pathfinder RPG rules appendix,...
As the Pathfinder plunge into the history and mysteries below Kaer Magathe no-holds-barred 'City of Strangers'Valeros plunges far deeper into the great beyond, defending his immortal soul in the courts of the dead! From Pathfinder author Crystal Frasier comes this scintillating tale of life, death, and what lingers when we're gone.
Bonus: Starfinder backup story! Thousands of years in Pathfinders future, the Starfinder Society spreads adventure across...
In A Tale of Two Gnomes, venture into an inventor's burrow to save him from his rival and his unsettling and unethical constructs. And if you're looking for your a shorter and lower stakes adventure, your players can play matchmaker with a series of skill tests to help a Gnome Bachelor find love! This issue will also include a guide onphysically crafting sets, items, and other materials to bring your campaign to life, areview of dwarven monster hunter...
A heartsick and mournful vampire has taken up residence in a hilly village, and she soothes her loneliness by turning villagers into her thralls! The Valentine's Day issue of Rolled & Told gives you two adventures to pluck your heartstrings and articles on using romance as a hook for adventuring, imaginative nighttime encounters, and more!
This collected edition of Rolled & Told contains all the adventures, mini-adventures, comics, and articles from issues zero to six along with extra content you couldn't get in the single issues! It provides hours of pick-up-and-play campaigns designed both for players new to tabletop role playing and for those who have played for years. Every page is filled with beautiful illustrations, comics coinciding with adventures, and splash art from your favorite...
"For Aldis and the Queen. Aldis, the Sovereignty of the Blue Rose, shines as a new light in the world after the dark age of the Shadow Lords. Envoys of the Sovereign's Finest strive to protect Aldis from threats like the Shadow-dominated land of Kern and the fanatical Theocracy of Jarzon, as well as corrupt monsters and artifacts left over from the devastating Shadow Wars. The peoples of Aldis -- human, sea-folk, arcane vata, the doughty night people,...
The dead are walking. The dead are screaming. The dead are killing. Opening the Necropolis of Wati was a mistake. Undead hordes are streaming from the tombs, causing terror in the streets. Zombies. Ghouls. Mummies. Soon the dead will outnumber the living. Valeros, Ezren, Harsk and Merisiel must find the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh. But can they trust anyone – including themselves?