James Fenimore Cooper
2) The Lake Gun
In this parable-like short story from American author James Fenimore Cooper, a sage Native American relates the tragic tale of a young upstart named See-wise who bucks tribal tradition and tries to convince his fellow fisherman to flout seasonal restrictions on fishing. For this transgression, he is doomed to an eternal punishment.
Wrapped in what appears at first to be a fairly straightforward maritime action-adventure novel, James Fenimore Cooper's Jack Tier offers fascinating layers of complexity. Set against the backdrop of the U.S.-Mexico War, this in-depth look at life at sea includes hidden identities, racial strife, ageism, and material greed.
Sail out for adventure on the high seas with famed author James Fenimore Cooper. The Two Admirals is a gripping tale of nautical warfare set during the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. Parallel with the plotline of naval conflict is a puzzle of inheritance, as Sir Wycherly Wychecombe struggles to identify the true heir of his family's wealth and legacy.
6) The Bravo
Part of a trilogy of works by the author of The Last of the Mohicans, The Headsman is regarded by many critics to be one of James Fenimore Cooper's most accomplished novels. With the action of the novel divided between the Swiss Alps and a series of sea voyages, The Headsman is a must-read for fans of Cooper's unique brand of adventure fiction.
Renowned American author James Fenimore Cooper had a lifelong fascination with the sea—and a deep appreciation for the brave men who spent their lives traversing it. In the novel Miles Wallingford, the sequel to Cooper's Afloat and Ashore, Cooper focuses on the life story of one remarkable sailor, the Wallingford of the title, who recounts his exploits on the sea as a young man.
Even though he is regarded as one of the key figures who contributed to the creation of a distinctly American literary sensibility, author James Fenimore Cooper spent a significant portion of his life living abroad in Europe. Structured as a series of letters written to various figures who played a role in Cooper's life overseas, this collection provides an interesting look at differences in European and American culture in the nineteenth century.
...Get set for an exhilarating nautical adventure that pits one of the world's most notorious pirates against a ragtag crew of black and white sailors who must overcome their differences and band together for the fight. Although The Red Rover shares the fast pace and detailed plotting of Cooper's more famous books, such as The Last of the Mohicans, it's a more humorous take on the historical novel than many of his other works.
From the author of The Last of the Mohicans comes this classic nautical adventure tale that follows a sea voyage gone horribly awry. When a group of well-born British aristocrats set sail for the United States, they couldn't possibly imagine the mishaps that lie ahead of them when they find themselves coming ashore in Africa.
Written under the pseudonym "Jane Morgan," the two tales collected in this volume reflect the profound influence that British author Jane Austen had on Cooper's early development as a writer. Geared toward younger audiences, these romances strive to impart important moral lessons.
15) The Eclipse
16) Precaution
Though he would later rise to prominence as one of the most important American writers of his generation, James Fenimore Cooper's first literary effort was inspired by a wager with his wife, to whom he had offhandedly remarked that he could probably write a more exciting book than the English domestic novels that were the bestsellers of the day. Strongly influenced by Jane Austen, Precaution was initially published under a female pseudonym.
...Perhaps more than any other nineteenth-century American author, James Fenimore Cooper sought to represent the culture and struggles of Native Americans. Although his depictions of indigenous tribes still bear traces of the endemic racism that was part of the larger American culture at the time, they did represent a literary breakthrough in the era. In the novel The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish, Cooper shifts the focus to the earliest encounters