Deborah Allwright
When Grandpa teaches Yo-Yo, Roly, and Flo how to do yoga, there's one little bunny who finds it very hard. Yo-Yo just can't stop fidgeting, wiggling, and giggling! But when Yo-Yo finds herself lost in the forest, she remembers Grandpa's yoga shapes. And as she crouches down like a frog, stretches up tall like a tree, and stands still like a mountain, her worries slowly begin to disappear, as she finds her way home . . . Simple step-by-step instructions...
"Éste tendría que ser un cuento sobre un Lobo Feroz que sopla y sopla hasta derribar las casas de los cerditos, que engaña a Caperucita Roja para comerse a su abuelita. Pero no podrá ser, porque el Lobo Feroz llega tarde. ¡Otra vez! No hay un solo día que llegue puntual al cuento que le toca y el resto de los personajes se enfadan con él. ¿Pero alguien se ha parado a pensar en lo difícil que es ser el Lobo Feroz de todos los cuentos?"--
15) La tiranosauria
Maisy's brother's Ed won't let her play with his toys. He says, 'Dinos are for boys!' But Ed hasn't met T. Rex's BIGGER sister ... She Rex is a big and burly, multi-coloured dino girly. And Maisy is about to show her brother that stomping, chomping She Rex is as fierce and as loud as any boy dinosaur. Watch out, Ed, you may just discover that dino toys are for girls and boys!
Ed no comparte sus juguetes con su hermana Maisy. Le dice que los dinosaurios...
"Snuggle up together and share classic fairy tales and rhymes. Carefully chosen for 5-year-olds, they are easy to read, with enchanting illustrations on every page. Enjoy the tales of Snow White, Pinocchio, and Aladdin along with exciting new stories and rhymes to treasure."--Back cover.
Mrs Vickers is just pegging out her favourite knickers when—whoosh—they are caught in a gust of wind and fly away. That's the end of them, thinks Mrs. Vickers. But she is wrong. This is just the beginning... Mrs. Vickers' Knickers are whisked and whirled on the breeze; on and on they sail, over the building site, through the town (where they cause traffic chaos) and round and round the rollercoaster! Will Mrs. Vickers' ever be united with her...